Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Relationship Doctor’s Prescription for Better Communication in Your Marriage

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The Relationship Doctor's Prescription for Better Communication in Your Marriage

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Communication is an art. Couples thrive when they learn to listen deeply, understand completely, and validate one another compassionately. They are happier when they honestly share their perspectives and feelings, learn to disagree, and trust one another to support and strengthen each other and not injure or ridicule.

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But as Dr. David Hawkins shows, many couples try to win arguments, not to understand each other. They defend themselves, promoting their own opinions and blaming one another. When all else fails, they retreat into silence.

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What’s the answer? This userâ€"friendly manual helps readers recognize their common but ineffective patterns of relating. It offers more constructive alternatives as well as practical steps couples can take to...

  • replace defensiveness with vulnerability and compassion
  • develop more transparency and sincerity
  • achieve greater trust and emotional intimacy

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Readers will see their marriages transform as they develop new skills in the art of communication.

List Price: $ 10.99

Price: $ 2.88

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