Monday, March 14, 2011

How hard is it to get into project management?

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by digitaldr

Question by whmzical_cw: How hard is it to get into project management?

I am an elementary school teacher finishing up my M.Ed. My degree will be in (project) Management and Innovation. Rather than applying this to education, I was actually starting to consider the possibility of leaving the classroom and going into Project Management. I did a job search and saw that there ARE openings for PMs, but most say that they want 5-10 years experience. I did see one that was an education-related PM position that said they'd train newbies, but is that going to be hard to find again?

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Answer by Drew P
Yeah, project management needs about 5 years of experience in the applicable field. Sometimes they can get away with 3 years if they have gone through apprenticeship, etc. But usually 5 years is the minimum.

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