Friday, February 25, 2011

Q&A: How soon into pregnancy does someone start getting morning sickness?

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Question by Panther: How soon into pregnancy does someone start getting morning sickness?

I have not had a period since February, this is normal for me, however, lately I have had really bad abdominal pain. I feel really hungry all the time but puke when I do eat something. I've taken 3 pregnancy test all negative.
One of the pregnancy test was a blood test by a doctor but that was almost a month ago.

Also for the record none up my @$$ thankyou and only one!

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Answer by pink49erfn
It is different for every person, but on both of m pregnancies my morning sickness started around 6 weeks.

Can you go to the dr to get bloodwork to see if you are in fact pregnant?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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